
Heading to the cross

So here we are marching toward the cross. This last week before ressurection Sunday is full with meaning for me. In the most real way it isngreater to me than Christmas.

In some small way I attempt to consider the thoughts of my sweet Jesus as he prepares for the cross:

The shadows of this life are stretching out and the grave yawns wide before me. The promise of a painful death and separation from all things good looms and I drop to my knees. Abba, you are good and powerful. You know I have been with you and for you from eternity past and the great burden you ask me to carry weighs heavy on my soul.

Such grief and despair none has ever carried. And by your will shall never bear again. But now? In this place? At this dark hour I face the ultimate betrayal. A friend will turn me in and another will swear he has never known me. All those you have given me will turn away and I will be completely alone. Even you will turn your back on me and I will die.

Is there no other way? Must I be completely wrung out and drained for them all? Look at them. Like sheep caught in a thicket bleeting for help. And some not even knowing their peril.

Oh, Abba, I will go. I will go that they will be free. I will go that they will be with us forever. I will take their sin on my back and die in their place so that we will have them forever. I will lay down my life for my friends. Take my life for theirs and allow me to pay for their crimes. I willingly give my all for them.

Let me reiterate that this is just a simple imagination of the thoughts that could have been in Jesus' heart and not some weird revelation thing or anything else like that.

It's just an exercise to try to imagine His perspective. For are we not all called to give ourselves for Him that the world might know that Jesus is who he claims to be and did what has been reported for over 2000 years now?

In some small way may these words show anyone reading this that Jesus is real. He really loves you and died to prove it.