
On Prayer and other mumblings

One of my favorite topics is prayer. And one of my heroes is A.B. Simpson. I was reading from a book on his life by A.E. Thompson and read this illustration on what Simpson's perspective on prayer is about.

"His (Simpson's) confidence in prayer was rooted in his knowledge of the immeasurable reaches of redemption, and because of this he could not only ask boldly himself but lead others to ask and receive. When a young lady came to his office to ask him to pray for her, he finally solved her perplexities by saying, "Suppose a friend were to deposit $100 at Macy's and say 'I want you to get whatever you wish', but you were to say, "Mr. Macy, I would not dare to buy a hundred dollars' worth. Would he not say, 'The money is paid and is to your credit; you are very foolish if you do not get the benefit of it.' That is the way we go to God. We have nothing to present to Him as a claim, Christ has been deposited to our credit, and God comes and says: 'in His name ask My help as far as that credit will go.' You have not any right, but He has the right, and He gives it to you. 'Oh,' said the young lady, 'I see it. Why, I think I could as God for anything, now.'"

What think you of this credit, given freely to us if we will accept it? Do I truly believe that God welcomes me to partake in this transaction? And do I seek His will in it? many questions and thoughts barrage my mind in this...

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