
The Latest and Greatest

Have you ever wondered what God is up to? I mean really and truly. Think about it. God is actively present and at work in the world and every single human being is fulfilling some sort of purpose for His greater plan. phew. It is a lot to consider. But I digress...God is on the move.

The day after my daughter's heart surgery I submitted a resume for Print Creative Director at World Vision. The first month was filled with anticipation. The second month, it waned. And so on, and so on, and so on. There were occasional interviews, even a video conference (first one!). Still haven't heard if they are seriously considering me or not. But that isn't the end of the story.

Out of nowhere, the Director of Communications at The Alliance announced he was leaving to take a professorship at Taylor University. Next thing I know I'm applying for that job. Well sort of. I talked both to the VP ( a tremendous leader and man of God...and no I'm not kissing up) and the Director ( a passionate soul in love with Jesus and His church) and they both thought I had promise. But the fact I was not a member of an Alliance church would make it impossible for the organization. (Insert collective sigh).

But just a bit of time after that they asked me to consider the web manager position. WHAT? I didn't see that one coming. But there it is. Now I have changed the trajectory of my career...or rather God is driving my career another way...and as of the 6th of August 2008, I hold the title of Web Manager of the U.S. C&MA. Go figure.

So there it is...the latest and greatest (to date). Looking forward to what Papa is up to. And by the way, I've read the Shack and it rocks!

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