
Well, what a journey...

And it has only just begun.

BB, my mother-in-love, had a massive stroke on Friday, June 10. It was just two days before I was scheduled to go to church camp with my son. It went down like this:

Friday after work, I was eagerly anticipating my son's return from San Francisco. His mom and sister had been there for 2 weeks helping/visiting my wife's sister. They were to stay for one more week and were putting my son on a plane.

I was syncing my iphone and going about getting the house in order for being a week away, so I put the phone in "airplane" mode so there wouldn't be any interruptions in the sync.

I was packing and putting some final touches on the studies that I was going to be teaching these 6th grade boys. The lessons were on The Greatest Story Ever Told: God's plans and our part in them. All was moving along at a pretty good clip.

I went over to the computer and realized I had 2 voicemails. I noted that they were from my father- and sister-in-law. I started listening to the message from the father-in-law and realized something was very wrong. He stated my mother in law had fainted and was not able to be revived and they were en route to the hospital. Just as this message was playing out, my wife texted me telling me I needed to call my sister-in-law because BB had been taken to the hospital. I listend then to my sis-in-law's message and called her. She said BB had fallen and the paramedics thought she had had a stroke.

My son was on a plane, I couldn't get my wife on her phone because it had been broken a few days earlier. She had been using her sister's phone and the battery died. I called my sis-in-law here in the Springs and asked her about some of the details. She said her husband (my wife's bro) was at the hospital with his dad and mom. After a brief discussion and prayers, I took off to meet up with them at the hospital. Before leaving, I ended up skypeing on my laptop with the San Fran sister to let her know what was going down with her mom. She then skyped on her computer with her bro to get the details.

I went to the hospital where I saw BB and pop- and bro- in love...BB called me over and whispered a couple of things. I was most surprised by her wish that she get the address of camp so they could send mail to Jack. Really? The address? I get it. She wants Jack and I to go to camp in spite of this whole deal. Ok. Crazy, but ok.

My son arrived and I told him about his grandmother, we prayed through tears and went home to rest a bit. This was all Friday night.

continued in the next blog...

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