
We've got Trouble

Consider this, my friends. Jesus himself faced it. Abandonment, accusation, trial, murder,prison, injustice, and much more. He faced it all...this little thing we call TROUBLE. 

But we also have this. "Jesus answered them...In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world." 

So what does that mean? Today, it means that in spite of the immensity of the burdens for family and friends I feel like I'm carrying, there is truth that this world is not all there is. This world has been overcome by my savior and friend. 

He wins, and He is taking me with Him. But not only me...whosoever will. Whosoever will take up their cross and follow Him. So there is always this...the joy and anticipation of leaving this "overcome world" in which we live contrasted with the knowledge that Jesus wants to send me back in to let others know about His love and possibly help bring some out. 

Yeah...we've got trouble. But glory is right around the corner. 

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